Tuesday 9 December 2014

Beauty is skin deep: black is beautiful.

Questions :
I hate being black because everywhere I go I’m being discriminated
I get denied jobs because of the colour of my skin

Why wasn’t I born Caucasian
cause then I’d be appreciated 
It’s like being born black is the most greatest sin.

I wish I had Long and straight hair 
I can’t stand this nappy hair that resists to be untangled

Racists always feel the need to stare 
You could swear that I’m about to be strangled

All I ever wanted was the pale skin and blue eyes 
Not forgetting the blond hair and long nose

But hey I’m trapped in my soulful cries
Was this the life I chose?

Wherever you go you may be discriminated
But you mean the world to the one who created you

To Him you’re special and sophisticated
So why do you care what others think of you?

He gave you this nappy hair that’s so soft as wool from sheep 
And the brown eyes that lights up the whole city

You’re an African beauty, your beauty is skin deep 
Racists stare at you only because you’re pretty

Your dark skin has a history to tell 
And besides, white people age faster

Racists will go to hell!
Let racism be an old chapter!

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