Tuesday 9 December 2014

The book of Job

Job 2:10.

I love this verse, it proves how Job never gave up in God, even after God had repeatedly disappointed him and repeatedly hurt him by testing him just to prove a point to Satan that Job will never lose his faith in Him.

Job’s faith is unshakable, He
feared God and shunned evil.
He is described as the greatest man amongst all the people in the east. When bad things happened to him, he continued to praise and worship God, he
never lost his faith in God, he
still trusted and loved God,
regardless of everything.

Once upon a time, One day,
when the LORD had afflicted
Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head, Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes it was when that his wife, after suffering and pain
that Job had experienced said
To him,”Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” Job replied and said, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

Do you thank God when He
has answered your prayers? No, really, do you honestly take one second of your time and say “thank You God”? Ask yourself that question. Do you kneel down and thank God for answering
your prayers, just like you did
when you were asking for His

Do you curse Him when
everything goes bad? When
everything does not go
according to your will? Trust
me I have. I felt like I was
God’s number one enemy. And I lost my faith, and cursed Him.
So that’s what Job is talking about here, we are only happy to receive good things from God, we
only expect God to deliver what we want Him to. And when bad things happen we are too quick to
reject Him. Too quick to question His existence, and too quick too
curse Him.

So, my brothers and sisters,
let’s worship God in all
circumstances, let’s praise Him when everything is going right and when everything is going wrong. Let’s thank Him for all the good and bad times. Let’s have the faith like that of Abraham, the faith like that of Job, and expect both good and bad things to happen.

Let’s learn to worship God in
all circumstances.

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