Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The spirit of the Lord is upon me

Luke 4:18.

I’m so in love with this verse lately. It uplifts my spirit, it…motivates me…it inspires me and makes me whole.
Words can’t explain what this verse does to me actually.
It makes me wanna deliver good news to the poor right away!!!

Growing up I wasn’t poor, nor rich. We just couldn’t afford the things that we “wanted”, as long as we had food on the table,
roof on our heads and love for one another, that was more than enough. In actual fact, the love that we had for one another in good times and in bad times made us look and feel rich.

My parents are strict actually, they didn’t allow us (me and my siblings) to have everything that we wanted. They knew what was good for us and that’s all they could afford.

R2 a day was enough as lunch money for school.

A brown cover was okay, as long as our school exercise books were neat and covered.

Pap and cabbage was our luxurious meal every night. As longs as we didn’t go to bed with an empty stomach. I mean after all many people couldn’t afford such food.

I’m grateful for how my parents have raised us. I noticed something about my younger sister, her friends always looking gorgeous, wearing new clothes, designer clothes, and she always appears wearing her same old clothes and still looks good in them. She never complains, she never pests my mom to buy her new clothes, she is grateful with what she has becaus she knows that there are so many kids out there who would die to have what she has.

So yeah. I’m grateful for my parents for teaching us to appreciate what we have, to be content and to be grateful all the times.

Thanks mom and dad, and I love you little sis :)

Anyway, now back to the verse.
I’ve always wanted to adopt, or have my own orphanage.
I’ve always wanted to save all those lovely kids from poverty, from abusive families, from slavery. I know I have the power to do this because the spirit of the Lord is upon me.

Beginning of next year, I want to create my own “feeding scheme”. Make lunch boxes for poor kids and deliver them in a certain school. At least 30 sandwiches a day would do, until I get a willing partner or volunteer or sponsor to help me. I have some money saved in my account, and with that money I’d really like to give back, to those lovely kids. And assure them that….someone out there cares. That I care, and that our Lord Jesus Christ also cares.

(30 sandwiches is nothing I know, At least I’ll be able to put a smile one someones face)

I’m not a selfish person, (not saying that you are) I know I should be buying myself new clothes, new cellphone, a tablet or perhaps a car. But I can deeply feel the Lord working in and through me, He inspires me because He also served/s His own people, and I’d like to do the same as well, to serve Him by serving the poor.
I told you, the spirit of the Lord is upon me.
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10.

I was inspired by this white woman Gail Johnson, who adopted an HIV black boy, Nkosi Johnson as his own son, invited him to her own home, treated him as her own son, looked after him every time Nkosi was sick, until his death. Gave him a decent
burial, opened an orphanage “Nkosi’s haven” in honour of Nkosi Johnson.


I know there are many people out there who do good for the poor, who give out to the poor, who donate money in orphanages etc, and I pray and hope that God will richly bless them, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
“Whoever is generous to the
poor lends to the Lord, and
he will repay him for his
deed.” Proverbs 19:17.

I pray and hope that my feeding scheme plan will succeed next year, and that my orphanage dream will also come true. In Jesus name.

I’m just going to close with this verse.
“Behold, this was the guilt of
your sister Sodom: she and
her daughters had pride,
excess of food, and
prosperous ease, but did not
aid the poor and needy.”
Ezekiel 16:49.

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