So I looked for a brighter shining star and I made my wish, I said ‘Dear wishing star, I wish I could see my mom tonight, make her come, please make my wish come true.’
She came.
I saw her.
And I was happy.
Now I’m not going to comment on whether this wishing star theory really does work, but, I think it had worked for me a couple of times, when I was young.
I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, whether it was really bound to happen or whether the wishing star really made my wish come true.
Now as I grow older, I tried wishing upon a star, and none of those wishes came true.
Sometimes I never take note of whether they come true or not.
But it has been really comforting to me, It’s like I have a friend, up there, in the sky.
And it’s like the wishing stars are my friends.
Are my guardians.
And they are willing to talk to me, listen to me and help me whenever I need help.
It’s been a while since I made a wish upon the stars.
I would’ve loved to made a wish tonight, but the sky is clear, there are no stars.
Willing to wish upon a star this week, hope my friend (wishing star) will make my wish come true.
I made a wish tonight.
To a star shining so bright.
I wished upon a star.
It seemed so near, yet so far.
Now some may ask, ‘why wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who created it?’
It may seem like I am idolizing the star.
But I’m not.
Talking to the stars makes me feel like I am talking to the creator.
Like the creator is looking down on me.
Listening to me.
I know He is.
But looking at the stars is enough evidence for me to know that God is here, and He’s watching and listening to me.
It’s like the stars are the messengers.
If not God Himself.
And it is comforting to know that God is looking down on me.
And listening to me.

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