Tonight is one of those nights I just feel emotional.
It is the festive season, and I know I should be happy and joyful, but I’m not.
2014 was a year of challenges for me, However, I knew I would survive it since I was able to survive 2012 which was a year of anger, pain, sorrow and heartache for me.
I can’t remember the last time I was happy.
As in truly happy.
No one said life was to be a bed of roses.
No one said life was easy.
And no one said it was hard too.
2014 was a year of challenges that made me question God’s existence.
That drew me apart from God.
And because of this, I saw my self as a hypocrite because I always tell people about God’s everlasting love for us.
My faith in God was shaken in a manner that I tried forcing myself to stop believing in Him.
And I’m glad that I did not stop because I cannot imagine my life without Him.
I went through a lot of things this year.
Through a lot, and some I’m even ashamed to mention them.
But what kept me going is/was my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that kept on reminding me that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
Yeah, I survived 2014.
Got four distinctions this year.
I pulled through and finally completed my final year at UJ.
Now, I don’t know what my future holds for me.
I can’t predict what will happen tomorrow.
My future/my tomorrow isn’t clear to me.
And I cant help but wonder what 2015 has in store for me.
However, I do know that my God, My Lord will not let me be.
I know that HE will hold, guide and protect me.
I know He has plans for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).
So since I do not know what my future holds for me, I hope and pray that God’s plan will carry me through 2015
and ensure everlasting happiness for me. (For once).

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