Sunday, 2 June 2013

My passion

James 1:27
"Religion that God our
Father accepts as pure and
faultless is this: to look after
orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep
oneself from being polluted
by the world."

I was 13 years old when I decided that I don't want any kids. From there I always wanted to adopt. I told my ex boyfriend that I want to adopt six kids and he said "good luck with that".
Not that I expected him to be okay with it.

I felt like I don't want any kids because they would hinder me from adopting, which is something I really desire to do.
When I'm close to a kid, especially if that kid is my blood, it becomes really hard for me to love other kids, it happened a numerous times, when my little sister was young and during the birth of my brother, I didn't want to hold any kids, except them. And this is the reason why it's going to be hard for me to give birth if I really want to adopt.

I volunteered at a children's home, a number of times and I decided this is what I want to do. My love for adoption grew into something bigger, I WANT to open an orphanage. And I believe that this is a calling, it is what God wants me to do, or else I wouldn't be having this burning desire to open an orphanage.
And then I got into teaching, it got worse!! I wanted to be with those kids everyday, I realised how special kids are, I couldn't wait to meet them everyday and prepare a lesson for them.
As soon as I got up to teach them, they would all listen attentively, do what was required of them to, write my homework, answer questions that were asked, and I could feel that I'm bonding with these kids.
Children really are a blessing from God.

In 2011 I made a promise to God, I spoke to God and I told Him that I'm ready to do the task He has assigned for me. I told Him that by 2022, that orphanage I promised Him will by then be opened already or in the process of being opened.
I really cannot wait to open an orphanage, my heart is about to burst with compassion.

Yes, God told me to do this, I believe so, and I believe that He will help me until this goal we've set together is fulfilled. This definitely is a calling.
I know that i'll struggle in the process, money will not come directly from my pocket, i'll have to fund raise a lot of money as I would like to open an orphanage for atleast 100-150 children. But our God is working miracles, so anything is possible <3.

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