Thursday 6 June 2013


Being unemployed is hard you know
Better ask my mom, she will tell you so

She tried her best 
To prepare us a hot plate 
She would never rest 
Till she's sure we all ate 

Sometimes we got kicked out of the house 
Cause There was no money for rent 
She couldn't afford a blouse 
Cause we had not even a cent

Getting kicked out of school
Cause mom couldn't pay fees
But why is life so cruel 
Couldn't her mind be at ease?

It is hard to get a job 
if you have no degree
There's no reason to sob 
I just wanted her to be free  

The road of unemployment had led me to do
Things I'm not proud of, but you would have done too 

I had to dodge school 
Find a way to make money 
I know I was a fool 
But we were poor like funny

We really had nothing
But we managed to stay strong 
This really means something
Cause we still get along 

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