Monday 24 June 2013

Ministering the gospel

Evangelism is spreading the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sin, was raised from the dead and is now extending forgiveness of sins to all who would believe.

1.Ministry of reconciliation.

Our first responsibility as ministers is to lead people to Jesus Christ and share our faith as ministers of reconciliation. (2 corinthians 5:18-19).

Evangelism is telling someone the good news, that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was raised from the dead and is now extending forgiveness of sin to all who would believe. (Romans 10:14-15).
All believers can preach the gospel, share the good news and bring glad tiding. Paul is teaching us that one cannot get to know Jesus unless someone shares the news.

That someone is the ordinary believer. 

2. Intercession

Those who do the work of ministry intercede (pray) for others. To intercede is to plea or make a request on behalf of another. Ministers understand the power of intercession because it is part of the very nature of God. To intercede for another means to pray with the Holy Spirit to get prayer answers for others.

3. Laying on of hands.

One of the last things that Jesus said when speaking to believers was that they "shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" (mark 16:18).
We see a transference of anointing when Moses laid hi hands on Joshua. The ministry of laying hand was so important to God that He commanded Moses to do it before all the congregation. (Numbers 27:18,23)

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