Tonight’s verse is…..
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27: 14
I’m not really a patient person, when I want something I want it NOW, not tomorrow, but NOW. And I’ve realised that my ways aren’t God’s ways, I realised that my ways suck. I remember screaming at God, angry at Him because He failed to answer my prayers. But what I like the most about myself is that, I get angry for that particular moment and then I pray to receive God’s guidance and then I’m whole, again.
I remember crying because God didn’t give me what I wanted, I thought that God doesn’t answer prayers, or maybe that He hated me, but through everything, God has proved to me that He is always with me, and that He will provide for me, provide for me something that is far more better than what I was asking for. I ended up getting what I wanted, but after a few months. I think God was trying to teach me patience, now I know better that I should trust in Him and wait for Him.
My heart goes out to all those who have lost their faith tonight, who think that God has failed them and has put them down, I want to say to you, Wait for the Lord! Be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord!
My heart goes out to all the street kids out there, to all the kids who are being sold to slavery, to all the kids who are being abused and raped, I want to tell you that God hears your prayers, and He will answer them, I want to let you know that God is a miracle working God, and that He will turn your situation into something that you can’t comprehend, into a blessing. So wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord!
My heart goes out to all the people who are sick tonight, who are lying in their death beds thinking that they will never see a tomorrow, I just want to tell you that have faith in the Lord, He is a miracle working God, and He will never abandon you. So wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord!
My heart goes out to all the people who are mourning tonight, I just want to let you know that your loved ones are safe now, with the Lord and angels protecting them, I just want to let you know that they are in a better place. Where sadness never fill their hearts, where there is no sorrow and suffering. ” Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted”. God will comfort you, you just have to wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord!
My heart goes out to all the people who are in jails for the crimes they didn’t commit, I just want to let you know that God does hear prayers, God is everywhere and He is there, right next to you protecting you, and that one day you will be set free in Jesus’ name, all you have to do is to keep your faith and wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord!
My heart goes out to all the HIV positive people, to all those who are being kidnapped, to all those who live in toxic abusive relationships, to all those who are in accidents tonight, I just want to let you know that God hasn’t forgotten about you, I just want to let you know that God is a miracle working God. All you have to do is to wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord!
Love from….
Makhubu Nonkululeko Evelyn.
Makhubu Nonkululeko Evelyn.
U have just strengthened me, i am stronger and filled again thank u