Friday 23 August 2013


I haven’t blogged anything in this month of August, I’ve been really lazy and Varsity is stressing me out! Too much work, so little time.
Anyway, I pray and hope that August will bring you nothing but happiness, Joy, blessings, and miracles from our heavenly father.
I’ve been praying a lot lately, and I’ve been listening to people’s prayers at church, and then I realised that There’s something odd about how we people pray. No this Is not another “prayer formulae” post.
Have you realised of how we always ask God for help? How we always ask Him to provide us with food, clothes, jobs?
How we always ask Him to heal our sicknesses? How we always ask Him to deliver us from evil?
How we always ask Him to protect our loved ones?
And does God interferes and help us? Ofcourse He does, and sometimes we might, or might  not even say “Thank You God”.
I think it’s about time that we as God’s children asked Him this question, “God what can I do for you today?”. Maybe it’s about time we stopped begging God and start serving Him.
I volunteer when I can, I said this before I know, and I’m proud of it, I donate blood, knowing very well that my blood can save a life, I help some kids with their homework or assignments, but I want to do more than this, I want to live for God, purely, like Christ did. I want to reflect Christ, I want people to see Christ in me, and that’s why I ALWAYS ask God to reveal what He would want me to do for Him.
Honestly, I think it’s about time we stopped begging, and started serving Him.

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