Friday 23 August 2013


I think I’ve said this before, and i’ll say it again, I think single mothers are the most strongest women I’ve ever met. Playing both the roles of being a mother and father. To all the single mothers out there, I’m really proud of you.
Anyway, I have friends and couzins who have kids and the fathers are forever absent. It’s like these fathers…are farmers, farming everywhere they go, and they never take special care of their crops.
I was raised by both my parents, my parents have been together for atleast 27 years now and I must say I don’t know how it feels like to be raised by a single parent, many kids out there have never met their dads, and I don’t know how they feel, are they angry at their dads? At God? At Life? I just don’t know.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, there are so many girls my age who play both the roles of being a mother and a father, and they realise that raising a child alone is not easy. I wish and I pray that, all these beautiful, strong single parents, could further their studies, because I believe that that’s a start, get a degree, or diploma, even though they are not guaranteed jobs  atleast they’ll have something to fall back on.
I believe that education is the strongest weapon to combat poverty, and if these women are educated, then their kids will not be living in poverty since their mothers would be able to meet their kids needs.

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