Tuesday 7 August 2012

On The Side Of The Bridge

On that side of the bridge
There's a road that leads to life
There's a fountain of hope

No one goes through strife
Everyone can easily cope

On that side of the bridge
No one goes through a broken heart
And true lovers are never apart

On that side of the bridge
There's no sickness but health
No poverty but wealth

On that side of the bridge
It's world of infinite possibility and wonder
It's a world of difference, happiness and laughter

On that side of the bridge
Language is a mystery of sounds and thoughts
Language is song in which words are lost

On that side of the bridge
Dreams aren't really shattered
Dreams come true
Death is finally conquered
A place for me and you

On that side of the bridge
Everyone lives happily ever after
Where we are not judged for who we are
Not judged by the clothes we  wear, or by the words we utter

On that side of the bridge
It's a place full of dreams and aspirations
It's a peaceful place, a place of passions

And on that side of the bridge
There,  there are fairies and angels
Heroes and heroines
Prince and princesses
So are you willing to cross that bridge?

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