Saturday, 25 May 2013

What is freedom?¿

What is the meaning of freedom
If I'm not even free?

Whatever happened to wisdom?
We aren't free can't you see?

They took away freedom when they made freedom of speech lethal
They took away freedom when they made death penalty illegal

They took away freedom when they refused to make us all equal
They took away freedom when they made abortion legal

They took away my freedom when they drove me in the bushes near the sea
They took away my freedom when they pinned me down on the ground

They took away my freedom when they took my virginity away from me
They took away my freedom when they prevented me from being safe and sound

Freedom made my kids to turn away from me, to neglect home and turn to prostitution
Freedom turned my younger brother into a thug with all types of guns and knives

Freedom turned prisons into a park, into a luxurious institution 
Freedom made the youth of today to disrespect their parents and to take other people's lives

What is freedom if not accompanied by wisdom?

Freedom led us to believe that we are xenophobic when in reality we are just plain ignorant
Freedom led us to believe that we are a nation and we all obtain equal chances in life

Freedom led us to believe that we are better than the next person when in reality we are just plain arrogant
Freedom led us to believe that as a nation we can all combat struggles and strife

What is freedom when every saturday we have to bury the youth?
What is freedom when our grandparents don't feel safe in their own homes anymore?

What is freedom when officials hide behind the truth?
What is freedom when my father acts like he has never seen us before?

Freedom made my mother to wrap me in plastic bags, to throw my helpless body into a dustbin
Freedom turned my father into a sperm donor, into a heartless being

Freedom made me to loathe myself, to loathe everything about me, even my dark skin
Freedom brought me hate, hate that life cannot bring

What is freedom if not accompanied by wisdom?

Freedom made her to dropout of school, to turn away from knowledge
Freedom made him to turn to drugs, to parties and rage

Freedom made her to trash her dreams, of ever going to college
Freedom led him behind bars, inside a jail cage

Freedom allowed her to abort her child, to feed it to the worms, for mother earth to consume
Freedom robbed her off her life and her future 

Freedom made her regret of ever being brought out of her mother's womb
Freedom made him to turn away from his culture

What is the meaning of freedom? 
For if this is freedom, then I refuse it.

Freedom made umakhelwane ukuthi ahlebe ngam
Freedom made ubaba wase nextdoor ukuthi alale nam

Freedom cleansed the schools of soweto by the blood of the youth
Freedom led Hector Peterson to be killed for the truth.

What is freedom if not accompanied by wisdom?

I refuse freedom
Freedom, I refuse you.

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