I know bad things happen, but eventually they do get better.
I've been there, I've thought about killing myself, a multiple times, but I kept having faith and hope, and a small voice in me kept saying "just be patient, things will get better". I guess it is that small voice which kept me going. I am strong today, and suicide hardly passes my mind.
I read a story, about an eleven year old girl who recently committed suicide because she was now a drug addict, she wanted to stop, but she couldn't and it was hard for her to.
I heard stories about girls who commit suicide because their boyfriends dump them, or found them cheating.
I heard a story of a girl who committed suicide because she failed grade 10.
I've always heard that, "suicide is permanent solution to a temporary problem."
I guess that's true, the 11 year old girl could have went to a rehab and got help. I'm not even going to comment about the girls who take their lives cause of a boy. I don't see that happening to me and that is a dumb reason for taking your life.
I've tried committing suicide my first year at varsity, I failed my first test dismally, and I was scared, I was scared because back then I didn't have a bursary, didn't apply for any and my parents had to make means to pay that R21 000 for me, I was really scared to let them down. I was scared to let the lady who helped me out with my studies down, that is my moms employer.
But what if I had committed suicide? I guess I would have lost almost everything I have.
I encourage my brothers and sisters today, that no matter what you're facing right now, no matter the situation, how big it is, kneel down and pray, prayer really does change things. It works for me, I'm sure it will for you too.
God urges us to give our burdens to Him and He will take care of them. (Psalm 55:22).
Yes God might not respond in time, and it might seem like He hates us, like He has turned His back on us, but that is not true.
God is always listening, and when we cry, I'm sure He does too, cause He's like a mother to us, and no mother in her right mind would want to see her child broken and sad.
God urges us to seek his face, (Jeremiah 29:13). Seek God's face, wholeheartedly, and He will be found by you.
Never think that God hates you. Remember there are billions of people in this world, and what you're facing right now, is nothing compared to what most people are.
Be still and know that He is God.
(Psalm 46:10)
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