Monday, 1 July 2013

How do you serve the Lord?

How do you serve the Lord?
How do you prove to Him that uyamphilela?
Sigh, Ask me. I'm not even sure. But the Lord wants us to help one another (proverbs 19:17).

I volunteer when I have time, at an orphanage, I give out my old clothes to the poor, I sometimes buy my "so called friends" lunch when they can't afford to. The feeling I get, just by putting a smile on someone' face, is unexplainable. It's exhilarating, It's a great feeling, it's like I can feel God working in me, working through me. I mean what's the point of keeping clothes that I don't like, or I don't wear anymore?  Isn't that being selfish or greedy? When there are thousands of children walking barefoot everyday, when there are thousands of kids wandering the streets and they don't have warm clothes on their bodies...sure, I may not be able to help all of them, but just by helping only one person, it means that I made a difference in that person's life, so why must I keep my old clothes when I can make a difference in someone's life? Keeping my old clothes would be pure selfishness, that is being greedy. In Colossians 3:5-6, apostle Paul says that greed amounts to idolatry, we all know that idolatry is a sin and abomination to the Lord.

I witnessed something a few weeks ago, my mom and I went to my brother's school, they were going on a school trip, there were four kids who didn't pay in my brother's class. It broke my mom's heart, but my mom is naturally kind, so she made an effort to pay for only two kids, and the teacher also paid for the other two. I mean both these people are parents, and it does not only give joy to them, but it also gives joy to the Lord who urges us to take care of the needy. What both these ladies did, was enough proof that they are serving the Lord.

There are so many ways of serving the Lord. I've mentioned a few, like:
*helping the needy
*serving the children
You can also serve the Lord by just being a friend, being a shoulder to cry on, by ministering the Gospel (which I think it is important), by giving tithes and offerings, that is also proof of serving the Lord. Even though you may not know where the money goes to, but in your heart you believe that it is used to make a difference out there, to build hospitals maybe? To buy food for the needy? To buy books and stationery in impoverished areas. 

So guys, let's continue serving the Lord, because He Himself says "it is  more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35.

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