Saturday, 27 July 2013

A lost generation

Drugs, fascinate the youth of
How did things turn out this way?

Girls refuse knowledge, they turn to prostitution
Boys become thugs, they escape prosecution

Living in fear of being stabbed with a knife
How does it feel, taking
someone else's life?

Girls wasting their lives away
Spreading their legs as wide as they can
Fucking older men everyday
Still moaning there isn't a decent man

Boys wandering in the streets
Trying to get their next fix
Trying so hard to make ends meet
Dagga, crystalmeth, they mix.

Africa isn't safe anymore, the place we call home
In every street corner there's a thug, waiting to take your life
It isn't safe walking down the street on your own
Cause there's a young boy down there, with a sharp knife

They youth of today, never live to be thirty three
They die at an early age, cause of  HIV
They no longer want to play PS3
Nor do they want to wait, for their 21st key

What happened to those days? When we used to gather at the table and thank God for our daily bread?

Sister doesn't care anymore, she's busy giving older men "head"

Parents argue about us, and the argument turns into their separation

The youth of today,what a curse
The youth of today, what a lost generation.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Christ died for us

He was nailed to the cross for you and I
The blood of an innocent lamb was shed.
To wash away our sins, He had to die
On the cross for you and I, He bled.
His blood, the greatest gift that money can buy
Who else would die for us?
Only the Lord, our saviour, the most high.
There is no other name, than Jesus’

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Psalm 23:4

Tonight's verse is Psalm 23:4.
I'm sleepy, and I'm not gonna
write much on this verse. Anyway,
it's 22:29 PM.

This verse says:
"4 Even when I walk through the
darkest valley, I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me. Your
rod and your staff
protect and comfort me."

I remember walking from school to
where I live because there were no
taxis as it was late, I was in grade
11, and there were late classes I
used to attend. I got home at 9PM
whereas I took off from school at
Anyway it was dark, it was winter, I
got home and explained to my
parents why I was so late, and my
mom broke down and cried. She
was worried, what if something
bad had happened to me? What if I
got rapped, abducted or killed...
Ever since I was a child, I always
knew that God is ALWAYS with me,
and on that day, I knew that "God
IS with me". My dad told me
something inspirational when I was
young, and i'll always heed those
words, he told me that I should
always put God first, I always do
that, but what I remember the
most, he told me that when we
walk by faith, God walks with us,
and He's the one who leads our
way, we walk in the path that He
has walked already, meaning he
prepares a safe path for us to
follow, getting rid of anything evil
or any sort of weapon formed
against us, so that when we walk
in that path that God has walked
already, that path will be safe for
us, and what ever bad thing that
was gonna happen to us will have
been defeated by God.
I wasn't afraid on that day because
I knew that God IS with me. I'm
using 'is' because He still is with
This verse by King David reminds
me of 2 Timothy 1:7, it reads:
"For God has not given us a spirit
of fear and timidity, but of power".
There is no spirit of fear within
me, but of Power for I know that
my redeemer lives and I know that
God is always with me♥.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Is this faith or what?!!!

My orphanage plan! Oh I'm losing faith :( ☹
But I'm not gonna allow what people say bring me down.

So I was chatting to this celebrity, not gonna mention her name, I told her about my plans of opening an orphanage. And...she was....amazed. Not amazed in a "that's good thing" way, but amazed in a "what the fluck" way. She told me of how she, herself, tried opening one and she failed. She didn't actually explain how she failed, but from what I've picked up, it was financial problems which hindered her from opening one.
I told her that this is a dream I have, a dream that I want achieve, I want to open an orphanage. But this isn't just a dream, or else it wouldn't be haunting me day and night, reminding me that I have work to do, that there are orphans out there, waiting for me to help them.

This isn't just a dream, its a passion, a burning passion that I can't just describe. Its a purpose, this is something that God wants me to do.
This is a task assigned to me by God. And I know that I'm gonna finish this task.

Whether financial problems or not, I'm going to ask the WORLD for donations, I'm going to contribute from my own pocket as well, I'm gonna need sponsors who are gonna help me get started, such as sponsors from furniture shops, from clothing shops who are going to help my needy kids with warm clothes to wear, sponsors from food shops, who are going to contribute healthy food, from the government as they are going to help me get started.
I'm just gonna need sponsors! And Sponsors! And Sponsors!

She told me that there's something I didn't consider, that all these kids will be coming from different backgrounds, and that I will have to learn to deal with their feelings, I'll have to understand them, what they've went through and what they are going through, emotionally, physically and psychologically. She was right,I think I still have to learn, to relate with other people's feelings, so that I can accommodate all these orphans, in my life.

Another thought

So I just decided to play this "game" I'll choose a verse everyday and write about how it highlights my life. So the verse I chose today is.... Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me."

I'm a human being, and just because I'm a strong believer of God, doesn't mean that I don't sin,  doesn't mean that I'm holy, no, but I'm striving to be. I have to admit, to confess that, I sometimes wish that bad things could happen to the ones that I don't like. And that's why I love this verse so much.

It says Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
Yes, maybe I have a black heart, an evil heart, maybe it is not as pure as God would like it to be.
But this verse, it explains how I cry out to God, for Him to clean me from my evilness, filthiness, from my wicked ways, it shows how much I desire for God to cleanse me and make me anew.
It shows how much I desire for God to cleanse me from my evil thoughts,
From my wicked heart,
From my disturbing motives and disappointing life that I live.
It shows how much I'm longing for God to cleanse me in the blood of Jesus. So that I can be clean and pure. And live the life that God desires me to.

So please God, please I'm begging you to Create in me a clean heart, and Renew a loyal spirit within me!!

My favourite verse

"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10.
My favourite verse of all time.

I'm going through something that I can't fix on my own. I know I can't, and that's why I need God to help me, cause God always has a way, and only Him can help me.

Maybe God is trying to teach me patience, He wants me to be patient and Just trust in Him. Maybe I'm falling this test, I know I am, cause I'm not a patient person.  But either way, I'm going to be patient and wait for Him and trust in Him, because God always has better for His children, maybe what I'm asking for is nothing compared to what God has planned for me. God will never leave me crying, I know He'll help me get through this, I know I'm not alone, He's with me, and He has planned something better for me, it is just a matter of time for Him to reveal it to me.

So I'll just be still and Know that He's God.

Jar of hearts.

In this jar, my heart, I restore
Wondering if it will ever learn to love again

Healing, is what I pray for
But first I have to get rid of the pain

I gave you my heart because you meant the world to me

Trusted you with it and thought it will be kept in a safe place

Where you'll always be reminded about my love for thee

But now, it lies emotionless, in this empty vase

Wondering if it'll ever love again
Wondering if it'll ever get through the pain
It's sad that my love went down the drain
The pain, is just too hard to explain.

Monday, 1 July 2013


It got me thinking this morning, that people will always talk, whether you do good or bad, people will always talk. So don't mind them, cause clearly I don't.

In this area that I live in, very few have matriculated, very few went to universities Or colleges to further their studies, and very few have no kids.
So they look at me and think "oh she thinks that she's better than us". Just wondering how do I think that I'm better than them?
Just because I have my matric? Just because I went to varsity? Or just because I don't have a kid yet? I don't look at people and judge them because of the wrong decisions they made because most people ought to learn from their bad decisions.

I see women, mothers, in abusive relationships, or they are not happy in that relationship, but because they didn't go to school, and the husband is the only bread winner, these women choose to stick around, because they think "whose gonna put food on my table if I break up with him? Who's gonna take me to spitz or Mr price? " this is the kind of mindset that these women have, or they choose to stick around because " I have kids with him".
I believe that in a relationship, even if its not in a relationship, but I believe that I'm responsible for my own happiness, I believe that my own happiness should always come first, no matter what. So why must I stay in a relationship if I'm not happy?

I guess this is the reason why I decided to go to varsity, I want to be independent, I don't want to be like these women who can't escape from the devil's claws, who seek happiness but can't find it, who live in a hell hole and they can't seem to escape from it. I want to be independent, I don't want to make any man the sole source of my happiness. Having someone to love should enhance my life, not define it. I can't imagine myself being humped every night by a man I no longer love just for him to give me some money, to buy me clothes or put food on my table. This is the reason why I want to be independent, and to me, I can only be independent if I go to varsity and pursue my dreams. Sure, going to varsity doesn't mean that I'm guaranteed a job, but by getting that little piece of paper it means that I have something to fall back on, do you get my drift?

I believe in education, both formal and informal, because education gives you the chance to obtain the skills and knowledge you will need to pursue your career. I believe that education liberates, it sets us free thus I think it is important for every woman out there to receive it because  they will learn to fend for themselves in the real world if they want to avoid being taken advantage of.
They will learn how to stand up for themselves. I see most men are scared of independent women, because these women are strong, they stand up for themselves, they can differentiate between wrong and right and they can't stand being trampled over.

An independent woman doesn't necessarily have to work or have a high paying job, but I'm talking about financial independence here, and I believe that independence is the key to happiness. What happens if you're not financially independent, and your man, whom you depend on decides to break up with you? Or perhaps dies? Are you going to run around looking for another rich boyfriend to sponge on?

Ladies... I'm not judging here, but it worries me to see women who financially depend on their men, who are not happy in relationships,who are in abusive relationships, both mentally and physically,  who choose to stick in a relationship because the boyfriend is the only sole bread winner in the house. No woman, in her right mind, in this life and year would still want to be a housewife....

So you...young girls....claim your independence, go to colleges or universities, further your studies, get that little piece of paper that everyone dreams to have.

How do you serve the Lord?

How do you serve the Lord?
How do you prove to Him that uyamphilela?
Sigh, Ask me. I'm not even sure. But the Lord wants us to help one another (proverbs 19:17).

I volunteer when I have time, at an orphanage, I give out my old clothes to the poor, I sometimes buy my "so called friends" lunch when they can't afford to. The feeling I get, just by putting a smile on someone' face, is unexplainable. It's exhilarating, It's a great feeling, it's like I can feel God working in me, working through me. I mean what's the point of keeping clothes that I don't like, or I don't wear anymore?  Isn't that being selfish or greedy? When there are thousands of children walking barefoot everyday, when there are thousands of kids wandering the streets and they don't have warm clothes on their bodies...sure, I may not be able to help all of them, but just by helping only one person, it means that I made a difference in that person's life, so why must I keep my old clothes when I can make a difference in someone's life? Keeping my old clothes would be pure selfishness, that is being greedy. In Colossians 3:5-6, apostle Paul says that greed amounts to idolatry, we all know that idolatry is a sin and abomination to the Lord.

I witnessed something a few weeks ago, my mom and I went to my brother's school, they were going on a school trip, there were four kids who didn't pay in my brother's class. It broke my mom's heart, but my mom is naturally kind, so she made an effort to pay for only two kids, and the teacher also paid for the other two. I mean both these people are parents, and it does not only give joy to them, but it also gives joy to the Lord who urges us to take care of the needy. What both these ladies did, was enough proof that they are serving the Lord.

There are so many ways of serving the Lord. I've mentioned a few, like:
*helping the needy
*serving the children
You can also serve the Lord by just being a friend, being a shoulder to cry on, by ministering the Gospel (which I think it is important), by giving tithes and offerings, that is also proof of serving the Lord. Even though you may not know where the money goes to, but in your heart you believe that it is used to make a difference out there, to build hospitals maybe? To buy food for the needy? To buy books and stationery in impoverished areas. 

So guys, let's continue serving the Lord, because He Himself says "it is  more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35.

Life after death

You better believe me when I say, there is life after death
A place where we'll meet our love ones someday

A place where people go after they took their last breath
A place where they rejoice each and everyday

There is no death, sadness and fear
Only Joy will take its toll

For God will always have you near
And He will be there to restore your soul

There is life after death, where blessings never run out In a city of transparent Gold, heaven is beautiful, without a doubt

There is life after death, where we will gather with Jesus in Paradise
I'm sure the place is beautiful, as it is filled with butterflies

There is life after death, where there is no hunger, diseases, but peace!
Where eternal love never seems to cease!

There is life after death, where the place is filled with diamonds and pearls everywhere!
I pray and hope that I will meet you there!

When I first met you

When I first met you, I was satisfied with what we had
But who would have thought
we'd become more than just friends

You brought me happiness every time I was sad
Reassuring me that you'll love me till the end

When I first met you, I knew you where the one that my heart will cherish forever
Your love for me is so genuine and true, we really are destined to be together

Three years later, and my love for you is still going strong
For in my heart baby that's where you belong

Oh baby when I first met you, you took my breath away
I never thought that we would last until this day!

Little black girl

Oh little black girl,Why are you so sad today?
Why do you have that frown on your face?

"I don't have a place to stay"
"Daddy's always on my case"

Just tell me what you've been through
Tell me what's getting you so sad

"I don't know what to do
Daddy's always driving me mad"

What's with the bruises on your face?
To the police that's hardcore evidence!

"Memories I cannot erase
When daddy took my innocence"

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord

When your enemies make fun of you
And you seem to can't stand your ground

When you're feeling sad and blue
Fear not, for He will keep you safe and sound

When you start losing your hope
When you're lost and can't find your way

Trust in Him, who will help you cope
He will be your guide each and everyday

When you feel like giving up
Because you can't seem to face another day

Just kneel down and look up
For God is closer to those who pray

Just put your trust in Him,
And you will never go wrong

Just put your trust in Him,
He will forever make you strong!

A house made of clay

I saw a small house made of clay
There's a poor family living there

They hustle everyday
The government does not even care

The younger ones are chased out of school
Because they can't afford to pay fees

No they don't think that God is cruel
For they still go down on their knees

They pray every day for God's protection
That's what they do, they pray all the time

They pray to God to lead them in the right direction
So they won't get caught for committing the crime

Stealing food was never their aim
Daddy lost his job because he's not professionally trained

Oh poverty you are to blame!
So far what have you gained?

Poverty you've ruined people's lives
How many lives have you taken so far?

You've killed husbands and wives
That's how cruel you are.

You see that small house made of clay?
There's a poor family living there

They are suffering everyday
Oh poverty! You just aren't fair!