Saturday 13 January 2018


Firstly, I would like to start of by saying that God is great.

God has never disappointed me.

God has always made a way for me.

I appreciate every little effort that God has made in my life. God continues to show His love for me everyday. He continues to bless me and walk with me where ever I go, protecting and guiding me because I am His. And I would like to say, I truly appreciate that.
I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner, I have a done a lot of bad things that I'm not proud of, however, I am willing to walk with God just like Enoch did, to walk in God's light, God's path.  I am willing to surrender my body, heart and soul to God in order to persue a strong relationship with Him.

I am asking that in this year of [2018] God enables me to reflect the Lord Jesus Christ in all that I do, I want to spread His word better than I did last year, and I want to give my life anew to Him. Without Him I wouldn't be where I am today.

I have learnt to surrender all my problems, sorrows, suffering and peace to Him, I've learned to pray harder, whether I'm happy or in pain because Jesus is the source of my life, Jesus is my only Hope! He is our Anchor in the midst of life's storm! He is the Anchor that steadies our souls.

2017 has been a good year to me, better than all the previous years and I pray and hope that 2018 Will be much better. 

2017 has taught me SELF WORTH.

To love myself, 

To never allow anyone to take advantage of me.

That I matter, I am important

I must NEVER allow myself to be an option

And that I was placed on this earth for a purpose.

God has gifted me with unique abilities & talents! I must never allow someone to make me feel insignificant!!

I wouldn't have realised that if I walked this journey alone, I walk with Christ, and he continues to speak to me, and constantly reminds me how wonderfully and fearfully made I am.

2017 has taught me more about CARING.

I realised that I tend to put other people's feelings first than my own, especially when it comes to my learners. They can be very disruptive and ill mannered at times, but I realised that I love and care for them, most my kids  come from disadvantaged backgrounds, some have gone through similar things that I've also experienced, and some have gone through worse. I laugh with them, make jokes with them, I learn with them and cry with them. It's so important for them to realise that someone truly cares, I try by all means to treat them with respect and love. And I hope that through all their circumstances, they will grow up to be better people in the future.  I hope that they hear God's voice through their circumstances.

God has led me to help a few individuals who are really in need, children who need love, who need care, who need support, God has led me to identify a few individuals and I have tried to help those individuals through God's power and might and I hope that this year in 2018, I do better than I did last year, I pray that God gives me the strength that I need to pursue what he has called me to do, because my mission here on earth is to serve God through serving His people.

2017 has taught me to be able to LET GO.

I have lost so many people in my life, people that I've truly loved and cared for, I've lost them, and it's okay.

I have learnt to let go, to let go of anything that does not make me happy, whether it be people or my thoughts. I've learnt to let go and to be at peace with myself. Life made me realise that people have different destinations, we are not meant to go the same route, we are different and our journeys are different and it's ok it's, ok to lose the people you love sometimes, it's ok to let go.

We are not meant to live together forever, sometimes the people we love die and we have to live with that, we have to accept that it is fate, life is not fair and it's ok, it's not supposed to be. Maybe God is trying to protect us from getting hurt by people who claim to love us, we will never know why we tend to lose these people in our walk of Life, God has the answers and we will never know them but it's ok.

I broke up with the guy I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, after four years of our relationship, we broke up. I thought it was the best thing to do since we constantly argue over the same thing, it gets tiring, and I didn't qthink I would be able to explain myself to him about the same issue all my life. We broke up, I cried, and it's okay. Life goes on, Jesus heals. I wish him nothing but happiness and peace.

2017 has taught me to  LET GO AND LET GOD.

It has taught me to Let God handle my life, I'm done trying to walk this journey of life alone. I need Him, I need His advice to make it out there, after all, He is all that I have, and I have to listen to His voice attentively.

I have learnt to let God's will be done in my life, not mine.
  2017 was the best year for me.

It was the year of growing in CHRIST.


Year of learning to let go.

A year of healing.

A year of taking risks, opportunities and gaining my strength.

It was a year of love, peace and happiness.

All thanks to the Messiah🙌

[Makhubu Nonkululeko Evelyn]

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